Christmas Gifts for Your Dog
While we are all being caught up in the frenzy of Christmas shopping, we might just happen to forget one very special member of the family – our dog.
Image courtesy of Theeradech Sanin
If you’re anything like me, you see your dog as not just a companion, but almost like a son or daughter who deserves a gift at Christmas time, too.
Just as we can get it right or wrong when buying for family, the same goes for our pets. Let’s start with what NOT to give our dog for Christmas:
Chocolate or sweets – very bad for our dog’s health – and teeth.
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Stuffed toys – Some dogs will treat a stuffed toy with reverence and respect, but some will take great delight in chewing them to bits, biting off eyes and noses and spreading the stuffing everywhere from the living room to the laundry. Not only is this frustrating, but it can be dangerous for your dog if swallowed.
Anything plastic – Our dogs can choke on plastic and even if they manage to swallow it, it can lodge in their intestines or make them very ill in other ways.
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‘Doggy’ Christmas stockings – Some of these are fine, but my advice is to shop carefully. I bought one of these for my dog one year from a discount store and the products in it were cheap and nasty.
Here are some ideas for suitable presents:
A small tin of gourmet dog food – a special once-a-year treat (we don’t want Fido becoming fussy!)
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A rawhide bone or pigs ear– something to keep him busy and out from under your feet during the festivities.
A car harness – for holiday travel. You can get simple little clips that attach to the seatbelt and to Fido’s collar. That way he can travel safely to grandma’s house in the back seat.
A Kong© or similar toy that you can fill with treats to keep him occupied at home while you’re out visiting relatives. He will be so busy trying to get the treats out he won’t even notice you’re gone!
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With all the fuss and festivity that goes on during the Christmas season, we need to make sure that we still give our dog the love and care he needs. Fresh food, fresh water and lots of hugs are probably the best gift of all.
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