Quotes About The Relationship Of Humans With Cats

Quotes About The Relationship Of Humans With Cats

Posted 2018-03-30 by Marie Vonowfollow

Most people are aware of the close relationship between cats and the people of Ancient Egypt some 4000 years ago. However, cats and humans appear to have had a close connection long before this. Archaeologists have found evidence of domestic cats in Cyprus about 9500 years ago and it seems possible cats were domesticated even earlier, perhaps around 12,000 years ago. Cats are a popular pet these days and it is estimated there are 3.3 million pet cats in Australia, 8 million in the UK and 86 million in the USA. Many households include a pet cat and there are plenty of quotes about them.

Time spent with a cat
Sigmund Freud, the well known neurologist who founded psychoanalysis, said, 'Time spent with cats is never wasted.'

Many cat owners agree with this, even if it is just because they relax when they are stroking their cat or laugh at his/her antics. Research has found spending time with a cat can reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It may lower blood pressure, lessen the risk of stroke and ease pain. With all these health benefits, time spent with a cat couldn't be called 'wasted time'.

ImageMarie Vonow

Training procedure
American actor, comedian and writer, Bill Dana stated, 'I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It's not. Mine had me trained in two days.' Although some people claim to have trained their cat, many would agree with Bill Dana's comment, even though it was probably said as a joke.

Advice about ways to train a cat points out while dogs are motivated by praise, cats aren't. I have read the best way to train a cat is to give it plenty of special food treats as a reward and keep training sessions short. I haven't ever trained a cat, but, yes, cats have trained me.

Have you ever trained a cat? Please tell us about it in the comment box.

Mason Cooley, an American literary academic said, 'A happy arrangement: many people prefer cats to other people, and many cats prefer people to other cats.' Do you think this is sometimes true? Would you rather spend time with your cat than with fellow humans? Doe your cat prefer to be with you rather than with other cats?

YouTube videos
The internet has plenty of videos, gifs and other formats featuring cats doing something to make us laugh or smile. 'My favorite thing to pass the time in the makeup chair is YouTube videos of talking cats. I don't know why, but they make me laugh,' says American actor Doug Jones.

Personally, I have a weakness for gifs featuring cats doing all sorts of things.


Perhaps you have a cat quote you would like to share in the comment box.

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