My Owl Experience

My Owl Experience

Posted 2014-04-22 by Selina Shaplandfollow
I am so excited to share with you my experience of meeting a beautiful Barn Owl and having my photo taken holding him.

Selina holding Twilight my first time ever

His name is Twilight and you can see Dave, my partner with me in this photo. Dave has worked with birds for a very long time but it was my first time holding an owl.

I was a little bit tentative about holding Twilight, but he stepped back from Dave's glove and onto mine. There were so many people at the event, An Evening with Owls, run by Raptor Vision , that Twilight was busy checking everything out.

Selina, Twilight and Dave

He was so light to hold and so gentle. You wouldn't think that a bird of prey would be gentle, but he was.

I think it helped that every time he got back on Dave's glove, he got a mouse treat.

The event was a fabulous success. We got to see five owls in the show, including a 27 day old Owlet. It was all furry and fluffy white, and a big hit with the kids in the crowd.

Jason, who owns and runs Raptor Vision with his wife, Crystal, educated us on the importance of habitat conservation and not poisoning rodents as this can and does lead to secondary poisoning in owls.

We saw Barn Owls, Australian Masked Owls and a Barking Owl.

This was the first time that a couple of the owls had been out in front of a crowd of people, so they had a thin rope attached to their gesso to keep them safe if anything happened.

People got to hold an owl and during the show, Jason and Dave got a couple of people from the audience to put on the leather glove and have an owl fly to them over the crowd. It really was a magnificent experience.
One of the event attendees with Twilight and Dave

I can't wait to see them again.

If you ever have the opportunity to meet an owl and hold it, I encourage you to take the chance. Don't let something this special and unique pass you by.


239773 - 2023-07-18 04:42:03


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