How To Care for Dogs with Summer Skin Irritations
We are now entering the warmer months of summer which means that allergens in the environment, caused by higher humidity and warmer temperatures can result in skin irritations in your canine companions.
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Symptoms of such irritations can include flaky or red skin patches and consistent scratching - so make sure you keep any eye out for these tell-tale signs.
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Dry skin can be very uncomfortable for your dog and lead to infections so it is of vital importance for their mental and physical well being to be mindful when entering the warmer season.
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These can be compensated by looking after your dog's skin and coat - making it strong and healthy. Healthy skin is vital for your dog as it will control their body temperature and act as a barrier against infection.
Treatments are available for summer skin irritations, such as delicate shampoos which condition the skin and coat with nutrients (such as essential oils) to restore your dog's skin to a flake-free state.
Enjoy a brilliant summer with an itch-free dog, and avoid finding flakes of skin trailed around the house!
Speak with your local veterinarian if you have any concerns regarding your pet's skin irritations.
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239863 - 2023-07-18 04:44:13