Cavalier Capers In South Australia
Cavalier Capers is a fun day out for all Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and their owners, families and friends.
The next Cavalier Capers will be held on Saturday 18th October, 2014 at the Beefacres Reserve, Pittwater Crescent, Windsor Gardens. Come along for a great day out, either competing in the fun events and games or watching from a shady spot under the large gum trees. Bring a picnic rug or a chair to sit on so you relax comfortably between events and as you view the activities.
Cavalier Capers starts at 11.00 am and continues until approximately 3.00 pm. Entry to the event is free and people can come and go whenever they please. You can bring a picnic lunch if wish, but you will be tempted by the freshly barbecued food, delicious dessert, cool drinks, tea and coffee which will be available.
The first activity will be a Grooming Demonstration which will show you the best way to groom a Cavalier and suggest some easy care tips and tricks to help keep your Cavalier’s coat in good condition. And if you don’t like cutting your Cavalier’s nails yourself, or expressing its anal glands, an experienced breeder will perform these chores for you during the day for a small charge.
Children and adults alike will enjoy the events and games which are run during the day, with ribbons and prize bags of goodies awarded to all first, second and third place-getters plus a bag of dog food for all winners. A small entry fee of 50 cents is charged for each event.
Events for the Best Groomed Cavalier and the Cavalier in Best Weight and Condition are always well contested and the Junior and Senior Fancy Dress classes attract a lot of attention, with some owners dressing themselves and their Cavaliers in matching or complimentary costumes. Other events include Cavalier Most Like Its Owner, Waggiest Tail, Best Matched Pair of Cavaliers, Egg and Spoon Race and Sausage Race. Spin The Cavalier is a game of chance (like Spin The Bottle) and the smaller children can have fun with Pass The Parcel.
The bring and buy Trading Table will have lots of edible and other goodies available for purchase, and dog brushes, combs and other items will also be available for sale.
Prizes for the raffle include a large basket of goodies and a beautifully decorated cake.
A parking area on the south side of the reserve provides ample space for cars and the venue and toilets are wheelchair accessible.
Further information is available from the
South Australian Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club web site.
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