Bobby Dog A Story of Love and Loss
A couple of years ago, 2011, to be exact, I had to put my beautiful silver toy poodle to sleep because he had chronic renal failure and I could not let him suffer any longer. He was groaning and his tail was down all the time.
I knew that it was time.
Still, it was one of the hardest decisions of my life with Bobby. I loved him so very much and we were a true team. He would bounce around me when I got home showing me just how much I meant to him.
That's one of the things that I love so much about dogs. They love you. They really truly do love you deeply and completely. Once they are bonded with you they are connected on a very deep love level that is beyond words.
Way back in 1995, Bobby was the first male toy poodle born in our little family. I was there at his birth and I remember being frightened that he wasn't breathing because when I put him in the towel and 'roughed' him up to get him breathing, he was silent.
I put his tiny little head up to my ear and heard, 'sniff, sniff, sniff.' That was the most precious moments of my life. He was breathing and I was so so happy because I finally had a little boy.
He was born black with tiny little white toe nails and I knew then that he would turn silver when he matured through puppy-hood.
Oh Gosh, I loved him and I still get a little teary when I write about him. He was my little angel incarnate and I adored him.
We had 15 and a half glorious years together. He moved with me from Canberra to Melbourne, then from Melbourne to Brisbane.
I admit, he was a terrible in the car! Especially driving from Melbourne to Canberra to see relatives.
Despite having his own seatbelt and being trained to wear it, he wanted to sit with me and would let me know at the top of his lungs how unhappy he was with me when I put him the back seat. How dare I do such a thing to him!
When he was a puppy, he was all black fluff and the day he got his first shave, I saw the stunning silver of his fur. His little paws were silver and his face too. He wiggled his tail with delight when the groomer shaved his belly because it tickled.
He was so handsome and he knew it.
In fact, he wasn't afraid to use his handsome charisma on anyone he wanted to get to know. Some people he wouldn't have a bar of and others, well, once he decided he liked them, they were his patting and cuddling people.
Bobby and Zoe, his sister, sleeping 8 weeks old
I miss him even now, but I am so very grateful for all the many wonderful memories I have of our years together. The time between birth and death flew too fast when I look back and yet, at the time, it felt as if he would be with me for all my life.
I think that there are times in life when an incredibly special soul comes into the world to be your companion and you bond with them with a depth beyond comprehension. Bobby and I had that bond.
The day he died, he was in my arm and I held him to the last moment. My little boy was returned to Spirit and I knew that I had only had my little angel on loan.
Bobby Dog was the love of my life and I had that engraved on his plaque. I had him cremated and when I finally have a home of my own, I will lay him to rest as I know he deserves.
Bobby and I having a cuddle
I am sure he will be there for me when I pass and I know that love, once given is always alive. Love never fades and as long as I have Bobby's memory in my heart - he lives in me.
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