5 Reasons to Foster Injured or Sick Cats and Dogs
This is a topic I have done a lot of research on as I really do feel that cats are part of the family and I want mine to be as happy as possible. The first cat my husband and I had was allowed to come and go as he pleased.
We lived on an acreage at the time and we were ignorant to the dangers. We thought he would be safe as there was no traffic in the area. He lived with us for about a month. One night we let him out for a bathroom break and when we tried to find him to bring him in for the night, he didn't come when we called him.
The following morning we found lynx or cougar prints in our driveway and Kitty was never seen again. Now our three cats are indoor-only and I know they are safe, but some people have suggested that they have a poor quality of life because they don't get to play outside. What do you think?
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